- IL(1×8): 0.7dB(Max)
クロストーク: -50dB(Max)
スイッチング速度(1×8): 15ms(Max)

1xN MEMS Optical Switch
1xN MEMS光スイッチ
DiCon’s MEMS 1xN Optical Switch allows channel selection between an input fiber and up to N output fibers. The switch is bi-directional and can also be used as a Nx1 selector switch. Built using DiCon’s industry proven MEMS fiber optic switch technology, this optical switch offers highly reliable, durable, long-life operation in a compact, OEM package.
- IL(1×8): 0.7dB(Max)
Crosstalk: -50dB(Max)
Switching Speed(1×8): 15ms(Max)