波長ロックチューナブルレーザ 画像

Wavelength-locked tunable laser



The ClarityPlus is a unique instrument that serves as both a full featured C-band bench laser and a source with inherent NIST traceable wavelength that can be used to calibrate your other optical instrumentation. The instrument has two basic modes: a Reference mode where the laser is locked to a built in gas cell line (any of 50 lines) and a Wavelength/ITU mode where the laser is set anywhere in the C-band but referenced to a nearby gas line. The ITU mode offers live frequency offset that allow stress testing without interruption by a locking process.


  • 波長: 1528-1567nm
    リファレンスモード絶対精度: <+/=0.1pm(Typ)
    線幅: <500kHz(Typ)
    出力パワー: 10dBm(Typ)
  • Wavelength: 1528-1567nm
    Reference Mode Absolute Accuracy: <+/=0.1pm(Typ)
    Laser Linewidth: <500kHz(Typ)
    Output power: 10dBm(Typ)

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