- センサ: 8個(両ポール)

Dual Pole Ferromagnetic Security Portal
強磁性セキュリティ検知器(ディテクタポール: 2本)
SentryHound-Pro™ Ferromagnetic Contraband Portal is a dual pole (also works as a single pole) solution to detect unauthorized or illegal PEDs (Personal Electronic Devices) including cell phones, tablets, laptops, smartwatches, wearables and even weapons including guns and knives. SentryHound-Pro’s ferromagnetic inspection zones are highly sensitive to trace amounts of ferrous material found in plastic cell phones and miniaturized electronics. These same cell phones slip through regular metal detection but not SentryHound-Pro because of its sensitivity, unique motion detection and enhanced false trigger rejection. Standard metal detectors falsely trigger on all kinds of commonly used metals including titanium found in medical and prosthetic implants and aluminum used in everyday containers but not SentryHound-Pro. This allows for a rapid security checkpoint of pockets, bags, purses, clothing and even body cavities.
- Sensor: 8 Independent Sensor(4 Per Pole)