- 波長: 1250-1650nm
- 光入力レベル: +3dBm(max)
- バンド幅(3dB): 0.01-10GHz
- O/E変換利得: 12000V/W
- 感度: 0.85A/W(typ)

10Gbps APD Receiver Module(Clock Recovery)
10Gbps APDレシーバモジュール(クロックリカバリ)
The Optilab LRD-10-CLK-M is a 10 Gb/s bandwidth high gain, lightwave digital receiver module with a 10 Gb/s clock recovery circuit, designed for OC-192, DWDM, and Bit Error Rate Testing (BERT) of a digital optical link.
- Optimized Operating Wavelength: 1250-1650nm
- Optical Input Level: +3dBm(max)
- Bandwidth(3dB): 0.01-10GHz
- O/E Conversion Gain: 12000V/W(min)
- Responsivity: 0.60A/W(typ)