光変調アナライザ 画像

Optical Modulation Analyzer



High-performing and flexible OMA system that supports single and dual polarization PSK and QAM formats, visual signal analysis and performance parameter measurements including EVM, BER, bias errors and more.


  • Max Detectable Symbol Rate: 66/140GBaud
    システムバンド幅: 33/70GHz
    オシロサンプリングレート: 100/200GS/s
    ADC分解能: 8 bits
    EVM Noise Floor: <1.3% at 25GHz, <18% at 10GHz
  • Max Detectable Symbol Rate: 66/140GBaud
    System Bandwidth: 33/70GHz
    Oscilloscope Sample Rate: 100/200GS/s
    ADC Resolution: 8 bits
    EVM Noise Floor: <1.3% at 25GHz, <18% at 10GHz

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