Beam control is necessary in many terahertz (THz) applications. It is currently achieved by means of parabolic mirrors and refractive optics. However, diffraction optics presents game-changing capabilities because it can be used for spatial transformation of the beam. To fulfill the need for diffraction optics operating in THz range, we have developed a method for calculation and manufacturing of THz Fresnel lenses.
- 材料:
- 直径:
- ~150mm
- 厚さ:
- 1~10mm
- 周波数レンジ:
- 0.1-1.5THz
- 焦点距離:
- 10~150mm
- Material:
- Diameter:
- ~150mm
- Thickness:
- 1~10mm
- Frequency Range:
- 0.1-1.5THz
- Focal Length:
- 10~150mm