- 出力: 1/10/20/40mW(選択)
3dBバンド幅: 2~5MHz(Typ)
出力安定性: +/-0.02dB
SMSR: 40dB(Max)

Amonics' DFB laser sources are with high output power and high power and wavelength stability. The wavelengths available include the ITU grids in C and L band. Special wavelengths such as 1030 nm, 1064 nm and 1650 nm are also available. The application of the DFB lasers include high capacity optical communications and fiber optic sensing.
- Output Power: 1/10/20/40mW(Select)
3dB Bandwidth: 2~5MHz(Typ)
Output Stability: +/-0.02dB
SMSR: 40dB(Max)